Secret Door III

Secret Door III


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Secret Door guests and Open Lines were intertwined in this impromptu evening. The first surprise guest was esoteric researcher Jordan Maxwell who advised George not to go ahead with his plan for an on-air Ouija board experiment. "It's not a door, it's a hyper-gate," quipped Richard C. Hoagland, when he popped in next, fresh from appearing on a full show with Art and publishing a new article, The Bees' Needs.

Michael & Nicole Sebastian, known as the 'Dream Dudes,' spoke about how a person can say the sound "huuuuuuuuu" for a mental tune-up or alignment. Dannion Brinkley also weighed in the Ouija board question, noting that it can attract lower level entities.

After a funny Dracula impression, Dr. Roger Leir identified himself and announced that he's preparing to conduct another alien implant removal surgery, his 15th. Last through the door was Trevor Marriott, with an update on his Jack the Ripper investigation.

Strange Craft Update

In the first half-hour, reporter and editor Linda Moulton Howe of Earthfiles shared an update on the strange craft photos circulating the internet. She has shown them to an aerial drone specialist who said they don't match any manufactured craft that he knew about. An expert in military drones told her that the asymmetric design of the vehicle was not consistent with balanced flight.

Hakim Bey on Atlantis

In the second half-hour, historical scholar Brother Hakim Bey discussed his theories about Atlantis, an advanced civilization that he believes was wiped out around 1500 B.C. Their culture was connected by a series of pyramids/energy systems placed on ley lines running through such places as Egypt, Ethiopia and Central America, he said. Because of a poor phone connection, this interview, which had been planned for a full show, was cut short.

Bumper Music

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