NASA's Deceptions

NASA's Deceptions


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Coast to Coast AM Science Advisor Richard C. Hoagland and former Boeing aerospace engineer Mike Bara introduced their just released book Dark Mission. It's a compendium of NASA's lies and deceptions, Hoagland declared.

Here are some of NASA's deceptions that the two authors claim have been foisted upon the American public:

  • NASA presents itself as a civilian space agency. It's actually a military agency, that won't allow private enterprise space missions to leave orbit, said Hoagland.

  • NASA views the solar system as a dead place. Then why would discoveries be classified?, asked Bara.

  • Colored photos from Viking and Pathfinder were doctored to make the Martian sky look red. The first images of Mars actually looked like Arizona with blue skies, but NASA wants us to think that Earth is the only place for life, said Hoagland.

  • A Martian rover pulled up a rock that appeared to contain a fossil. But it was subsequently ground up into dust rather than studied, Bara noted.

The two also recounted that in 1963, JFK offered a deal with Khrushchev to team up for a joint Russian-American mission to the moon. And then, just days after Khrushchev reportedly agreed to the proposal, JFK was assassinated in Dallas. The Americans weren't going to the moon as part of a space race, but for the prize of discovering a long-dead civilization, Hoagland asserted.

Climate Update

First hour guest, researcher Robert Felix, who believes we are heading into another ice age, reacted to a report that NYC will have killer heat waves by 2050. Irregardless of this, he noted that four states recently had record cold temperatures, and more than 90% of the world's glaciers are growing thicker.

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