Disclosure & Space Review

Disclosure & Space Review


Hosted byGeorge Noory

C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland talked about the concept of disclosure and ET contact, as well as NASA and the space program. He referenced Arthur C . Clarke's books, such as 2010: The Year We Make Contact, and suggested that writers such as Clarke were using a kind of code to share inside information. Contact or disclosure has already taken place-- not the revealing of ET beings, but the remnants of their technology or machinery, he explained. He cited the Norway Spiral and Moscow Tetrahedron, which appeared on the same day at the end of 2009, as possible examples of this technology.

He also discussed the possibility that NASA has a secret space program. "I'm thinking that maybe some of the UFO traffic, those cables that Assange threatened to reveal, in fact has nothing to do with UFOs-- it's all about secret spacecraft," he said. Hoagland also analyzed the deeper theological implications of the Pope's new willingness to "baptize aliens," which suggests to him that the Church is aware that ETs are part of the human family.

A Psychic Look at 2011

First hour guest, psychic Joseph Jacobs shared what he sees in store for the new year ahead. Using a 52-card divination system, he explained that "numerology is spiritual arithmetic." 2011 will be a year to build or break down, he said. Among his predictions:

  • Increased terrorism, especially in Asia.
  • Difficulties or war in Somalia, between March 19th and May 10th.
  • March will have a lot of flooding, and water problems.
  • Russia will undergo stresses related to either terrorism or conflicts with neighboring countries from Jan. 20th through March 20th.

News segment guest: Jerome Corsi



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