Geopolitical Disclosures

Geopolitical Disclosures


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Activist historian Webster Tarpley discussed efforts to destabilize the Mediterranean/Arab world, as well as how we can pull out of the current depression, and why Wikileaks is a well orchestrated "striptease" by the CIA to reveal selected information. The overthrow of governments in Tunisia and Egypt, as well as other unrest in the Middle East is part of a "post-modern coup,"-- destabilization techniques used by the US and the UK to further their agendas without direct military aggression, he argued. By breaking countries such as Libya, Sudan, and Yemen into smaller squabbling states, they become easier to control, he explained.

With Tunisian refugees possibly going to Italy, "the CIA would say, 'well if we can submerge Southern Europe beneath a wave of two million refugees, good-- that makes the euro weaker, and makes the dollar more attractive-- we're saving our...imperialist system','' Tarpley continued. He further commented that the idea that there is an Arab youth movement demanding democracy is a fairy tale.

WikiLeaks, he suggested, pretends to attack the US, but in reality, it's other countries that get slammed and look bad. He characterized WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange as having an "MK Ultra pedigree" having grown up in Australia with the Hamilton-Byrne cult. Tarpley also talked about the breakdown of the world economic structure. To correct the system, he said huge "zombie banks" and derivatives have to be wiped out, and Wall St. transactions should be subject to sales taxes.

Judgment Day

First hour guest, Chris McCann of Family Radio talked about the prediction made by Christian preacher Harold Camping that Judgment Day will be on May 21, 2011. According to McCann, this end date is based on a genealogical timeline that Camping derived from the Bible. On May 21 of this year, select people will be taken up in the Rapture, while others are doomed by a huge earthquake, and other calamities, he suggested. In an effort to get their message out, Camping's organization has rented out billboard space across the US announcing the end date.

News segment guest: Steve Kates "Dr. Sky"



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