Hitler's Escape


Hosted byGeorge Knapp

Joining George Knapp, author and researcher Harry Cooper made the case that Hitler did not commit suicide in a bunker at the end of World War II but rather escaped to South America. "Adolf Hitler did not kill himself in the bunker, Eva Braun did not kill herself in the bunker, and they lived out their lives in Argentina," he stated. Cooper said he has encountered numerous witnesses all claiming to have seen Hitler alive and well after the war, including a man from Mar del Plata, Argentina, who admitted to seeing the fallen German dictator on three separate occasions.

A former naval intelligence/NSA agent admitted to Cooper that the intelligence community knew Hitler did not die in Germany. The FBI and CIA knew Hitler was living in Argentina from 1945 onward, he said. The most compelling evidence regarding Hitler's escape to South American came from a man named Don Angel, who through a 114-page, single-spaced letter told of his experiences in the bunker with Hitler and Braun. Angel claimed to have witnessed the couple forcibly drugged under orders of Reich leader Martin Bormann, removed from the bunker and presumably taken to Argentina, Cooper revealed.

NDAA Update

First hour guest, Dan Johnson, the founder of PANDA (People Against the National Defense Act), shared an update on his battle to stop the 2012 NDAA. "The only way to change the world is through the political arena," he explained, noting his work with local governments to void the controversial law. Albany, New York became the first city to ban the NDAA, Johnson announced. Two cities in Massachusetts and two cities and a county in Idaho followed suit, he added. They have agreed not to enforce the NDAA and to use police power to protect citizens against the federal government's execution of it. An additional 60 to 70 municipalities across the US are expected to join the fight, he reported.



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