Consciousness & AI / High Strangeness in Texas


Hosted byGeorge Noory

Jeffrey Dunne, Ph.D., is the President of the International Consciousness Research Laboratories (ICRL), an organization established in 1997 to continue the research of the effects of consciousness on physical systems carried out at Princeton University from 1979-2007. In the first half, he discussed our understanding of the nature of consciousness, as well as advances in AI and the dangers we might face with the fast-growing technology. Consciousness may not be an entirely brain-induced phenomenon, as some studies have shown, like in NDE cases. The brain could be more of a transducer or transmitter that connects a larger consciousness into the physical representation, he explained. "The brain is certainly a piece of the overall puzzle, but it's not the central aspect of who and what we are," he added.

While Dunne doesn't think AI will replace human intelligence, he's concerned about the effect it will have on humanity from a psychological and sociological perspective. "Because if you look at all cases in history where people have sort of stopped trying to use their minds to do things relegated to devices, those capabilities atrophy," he pointed out, citing how people have somewhat lost the ability to navigate without GPS. He also talked about his new sci-fi novel, "Nexus," which explores the scientific principle of syntropy. This concept suggests "that energy and information are going to propagate backwards in time," Dunne stated. "The conclusion of that is that as much as we live and experience things because of a causal universe, we also exist in a purpose-driven universe. That is to say, we do things towards a future purpose."


Writer and researcher Pat O'Connell worked in the technology and aerospace industries for over 30 years. In the latter half, she shared the true story of Clay Wheeler, a Texas aircraft repair shop owner who witnessed an array of paranormal phenomena at a small airport where he lived that included UFOs, aliens, poltergeists, demonic possession, and plain old murder. She fictionalized Wheeler's location because he had allegedly shot and buried an alien, and possibly rigged explosives at the burial site. Wheeler's experiences began in 2010 when he started playing laser tag with lights in the sky, and this seemed to draw UFOs into his airspace, including a Mexican hat-type craft that hovered on the runway and an oblong-shaped ship.

One night in his living room, Wheeler described seeing what looked like a blue plasma angel, and then a demonic energy came up from the ground and attacked the angel, in a kind of play of good versus evil, she recounted. Another time, he reportedly saw two Grays and a third alien that had a tall, featureless body like a candle and a huge head (it may have been a bodyguard for the other two). Wheeler became concerned for his safety, O'Connell detailed, as he'd witnessed one of the aliens at the airport, with a beam weapon vaporizing anything in its path, including corrugated steel. On an occasion after that, he shot one of the aliens, and it outgassed possibly toxic liquid and fumes, so he left the area. But when he came back, the alien was gone. Later, he shot another one in his shop, and this was the body he buried. One night, Wheeler saw a portal open up, O'Connell continued, and various craft came through along with strange creatures like a wolf walking on its hind legs.

During the last half-hour, an interview with spiritual warrior Bill Bean from 2/22/19 was featured.

News segment guests: Mish Shedlock, Howard Bloom



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