Understanding the Universe / Karahan Tepe


Hosted byGeorge Noory

First Half: Emmy award-winning producer and director Melissa Tittl will discuss mind-altering understandings of the universe and why humans are so fascinated with ancient Egypt, the Bible, and Atlantis. Tittl is the former Head of Content at GAIA, and the writer and producer for content on Netflix, History Channel, Discovery Channel, and Paramount Studios. She has also worked on the show Ancient Aliens.

Second Half: Science and history writer and noted explorer Andrew Collins will discuss the most important archaeological discovery of the 21st century: Karahan Tepe. The archaeological site is an enormous complex of stone structures in southeastern Turkey covering an estimated ten acres. Collins will explain how the site functioned as a shamanic oracle center used to connect with the Milky Way’s Galactic Bulge and the stars of Scorpius, once believed to be the spirit of a cosmic serpent.




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