Natural Remedies / Akashic Records


Hosted byGeorge Noory

In the first half, pharmacist Ben Fuchs spoke about natural health remedies and the vitamins, nutrients, and minerals our bodies need to maintain good health. Responding to a listener's question about dry feet, he highlighted the role of circulation and blood sugar, and suggested that essential fatty acids can help with dry, scaly skin. Fuchs also outlined nitric oxide's benefits, explaining, "Nitric oxide is a vasodilator and opens up blood vessels," and that improving circulation, particularly to the extremities and brain, can enhance overall health. For a caller who had issues with "eye floaters," he said this indicates that the eye tissue is starting to break down, and it could be helpful to take supplements that build up connective tissue, like bone broth, glucosamine, and MSM.

Fuchs criticized the US healthcare model, asserting that it fails to address chronic degenerative diseases. He claimed, "There's not a single prescription drug that can make you better... we spend more money per capita than any other country in the world on healthcare, and we're the sickest and most obese." Discussing the importance of lifestyle choices, he urged listeners to take control of their health through proper nutrition and exercise. Fuchs remarked, "We as individuals have so much power to participate in our own health," stressing the significance of addressing mental and emotional well-being as part of a holistic approach.


Emily Harrison is the founder and director of the Akashic Academy, a modern-day mystery school to empower humanity. In the latter half, she shared methods to activate your intuition and learn to interact with the Akashic Records in a meaningful way. She also recalled her journey from aspiring actress to spiritual guide. Originally from Missouri, she moved to Hollywood to pursue acting but found herself struggling. To cope with the pressure, she turned to meditation and energy practices, which ultimately opened her consciousness to the Akashic Records.

Harrison described the Akashic Records as a "realm of consciousness that holds all information—past, present, and all possible futures and is recorded from a neutral perspective." This database, she continued, offers insights into one's soul journey and can facilitate personal evolution. Through it, "we can tap into radical courage and our unique genius... to create peace, abundance, prosperity, health in our lives." The Akashic Records are a vast library containing not only individual life histories but also collective human experiences, she stated, adding that "We're all in one huge book together," underscoring our interconnectedness.

She explained that while the records hold infinite possibilities, they only reveal information based on what individuals are ready to receive. Sharing a poignant story about a client named Robert, who sought access to his records in relation to a book he was writing about people who lost their partners to a terminal illness, she illustrated the records' potential to be used for various purposes. "As our DNA activates, we have more access to what I'll call our superpowers," she revealed, noting that Robert began to channel messages from his deceased wife during this process. In the last hour, Harrison gave readings for callers.

News segment guests: Dr. Chris Gilbert, Kevin Randle


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