After-Death Communications


Hosted byArt Bell

Dr. Alan Botkin described experiments with EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) therapy which he claimed causes people to see and communicate with their deceased relatives. He called this process "Induced After Death Communication." He worked with combat veterans at a VA hospital to treat PTSD, and said that 98% of the veterans communicated with dead relatives and that this alleviated their repressed memories and grief. Botkin said that at first, he thought he was inducing NDEs, but they did not have all of the classic indications.

When the patients were "in touch with their grief and sadness," Botkin induced a series of eye movements which "use the part of their brain that is used when they’re dreaming." He said he completely stumbled into this discovery.

He emphasized that the experience was not frightening or disturbing at all, and added that some of his patients reported that the environment on "the other side" is very earth-like, with gardens, and lakes, etc. The main thing that comes through, he said, is a message that "everything is OK." In other words, there is ultimately nothing to worry about. The first hour featured news and Open Lines.

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