Alien Encounters & Implants

Alien Encounters & Implants


Hosted byArt Bell

Author and experiencer Whitley Strieber discusses his 'Visitor' alien encounters and implants in hours 2-5 (he is joined by Dr. Roger Leir later in the show). He details a bizarre occurrence in Glenrock, Wyoming from 1986, while staying in a cabin. He heard nine powerful knocks or bangs on the side of the structure, in three groups of three, just like an earlier experience he described in his book Communion. Others from Glenrock had parallel experiences, and several of them participate in the conversation. Darren talks about his weird experiences growing up in Glenrock. His grandmother and mom had both seen UFOs around the area. In 1972 (at 5 years), he and his family were coming back from a trip in MT in a huge thunderstorm when he started hearing knocks on the outside of the car while it was driving at 30mph.

Later, Art brings on two more witnesses, Marla and Jamie. Jamie talks about seeing weird lights in the sky and hearing the knocks. Her house also lit up in a weird hint of orange. She knew someone was outside, but she could not go near the door. She talks about her neighbors missing many sheep and witnessing a huge "spaceship." Strange audio from a videotape recorded by the witnesses is played and at one point, inexplicably, one of the women speaks in a language other than English.

Whitley recounts a number of the gripping abduction episodes he wrote about in Communion, and then Dr. Roger Leir (in possibly his first Coast appearance) discusses implants. Whitley has an implant in his ear. He tried to have it cut out, but when the surgeon got close to it, he said the implant moved. Open Lines are featured in the first hour.

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