Art's Parts & Open Lines


Hosted byArt Bell

On this night of Open Lines, Art opened the show with some news items. The Whitewater verdicts were in - possible fraud and conspiracy charges. Art read a letter from a man regarding testing of the "Art's Parts" samples. This man sent Art more metallic scrapings that he said came from the underside of a UFO, and said he would no longer contact the show. Art says these new samples were examined with a microscope and pronounced them "remarkable." The metal was very charred on the outside, possibly due to reentry to the atmosphere or even a crash.

In hour 2, Art talked about the chupacabras after a new listener called in to ask about it. Art mentioned he loved working at night and said it's a perfect time slot for talk radio because people "think differently" during the night. A lot of calls in hour 3 were from people who stayed up late into the night - one woman said she's healthier for it. In hour 5, Art played a listener request, which was a funny country song about the Greys.

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