Astral Travels


Hosted byArt Bell

After a myriad of paranormal events, and as a result of a spiritual awakening, Albert Taylor left behind nearly two decades of work as an aeronautical engineer/scientist, to author and publish his book, Soul Traveler. He described his discovery of astral travel and the experience of the second body to "travel and fly places" and meet deceased relatives, as well as how it removed his fear of death. Taylor spoke of the soul as pure consciousness and detailed experiments with astral travel where he and others have seen things, which were later confirmed in real life.

Taylor claimed that sex in the astral realm is "ten times better" even though it is nothing like the physical since perceptions are "finely tuned." During astral travel, he said there should be no fear about getting back to your own body, because one merely has to think about what it feels like in order to return.

Taylor also discussed his success in bending metal spoons despite previous skepticism. He also revealed how he was able to astral travel into the past and future but warned that travelers may see something in their future that they may not like. In the latter portion of the interview, Taylor took questions from listeners.

At the beginning of the program Art shared an update on the serious health issues of Dannion Brinkley, who was about to go into surgery.

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