Remote Viewing Legacy


Hosted byArt Bell

Famed psychic and remote viewing pioneer Ingo Swann discussed his work in setting up the government's psychic spying program beginning in the 1970s, when he helped to train the first remote viewers. He described his original work with physicist Dr. Hal Puthoff, who invited him to assist with psychic research, as the intelligence community found out that the USSR and China were working on similar programs.

Swann surmised that there were still government psychic spying programs in existence at the time of the interview, and also discussed a program he was aware of dealing with extraterrestrial intelligence, as well as his remote viewing of structures and beings on the Moon. In the last segment, he commented on the potential for sensing things in the past and future. "Any life form that has anything going for it is going to have to sense beyond the present," he suggested.

In the first hour of the program, "UFO lawyer" Peter Gersten discussed the results of his Freedom of Information Act requests on triangular UFOs. A segment of the DOD statement he received referred to "alternate aerial modes of transportation," which Gersten speculated might be a hint as to what he should be asking for rather than simply the term "UFO." The last hour featured Open Lines.

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