Remote Viewing Outlooks


Hosted byArt Bell

In this full-show interview, Major Ed Dames described the art and science of remote viewing as developed by a secret program in the U.S. Army and his methods of teaching this talent to classes of civilians. He recalled the breakthrough discovery of how "the unconscious mind communicates information to conscious awareness" so that imagination doesn't get in the way. The unconscious is where valuable information is gathered in remote viewing. As an example, he asked his class to predict the winner of the Super Bowl, and they drew the colors of the winners’ helmets.

Dames gave other examples of results he said he'd obtained for crime scenes and terrorist events. He also claimed that his company remote viewed a communications satellite that was "decommissioned" by a UFO. Further, he said the FBI used his company's services to locate the Unabomber, but the agency didn’t want to publicize the association.

He addressed the controversial remote viewing of the Hale-Bopp comet by Courtney Brown and dissected the errors in his technique and their claims that a "companion" was following the object. He said his company viewed something artificial "affixed" to a comet that would drop an "engineered plant pathogen" and wipe out most plant life, which would cause massive food shortages throughout the world. Dames theorized that something was trying to clear the Earth of humans, whom he said had made a mess of the planet. In the last two hours, Dames took calls from listeners.

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