Time Travel & the Soul


Hosted byArt Bell

Dr. Anthony Rizzi, theoretical physicist and founder of the Institute for Advanced Physics, discussed the possibility of time travel, the human soul, proof of God, and the difference between knowledge and belief. Rizzi suggested most of what we "know" is actually "faith based on authority" rather than proper knowledge, but that is not necessarily bad as long as the authority is reliable.

Rizzi declared incorrect the common notion that time is a line, and instead defined time as "the measure of motion." He believes time travel into the future is possible, but not the past. In order to journey into the future, Rizzi hypothesized that a person must travel fast enough to "de-couple" himself from time. By detaching himself from time, the time traveler has slowed down the changes happening to him (like a frozen embryo), while the rest of his world has continued forward into the future at its normal rate, Rizzi concluded.

Rizzi also posited that human consciousness survives death because, as an immaterial thing, it cannot be destroyed. To make his point, he described a person holding a glass of ice water. The material part of the person, his hand, gradually becomes colder as he holds onto the glass. Soon the person "realizes" that his hand is cold. According to Rizzi, the person's realization of cold is an idea, part of his consciousness, and since ideas cannot be destroyed, they must continue forever.

The first hour featured news and Open Lines.

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