'Witch Hunt' Open Lines

'Witch Hunt' Open Lines


Hosted byArt Bell

Art opens the lines during the entire show. But this night, he is on a witch hunt – looking for a real, broom riding, spell casting, witch that is not Wiccan. A woman from Canada calls up and tells how she changes people’s realities by bringing in angelic help. Art calls her a white witch because she would rather change the atmosphere if someone is rude to her. In a spontaneous conversation in hour 2, Art puts Ramona on the air to tell a story about Art receiving a cursed doll. Art gets a witch in Hour 4 – a man who says he practices both white and dark magic.

In the last hour, Dr. Evelyn Paglini calls in-- this was Art’s first interview with her, and it was out of the blue. Subsequently, she became a regular guest on the show, with her trademark gripping tales of the practice of witchcraft. Earlier, a man named Jim calls in to describe how a UFO stopped an aircraft carrier. Jim was on the John F. Kennedy aircraft carrier one evening when all of the communications went out. A sailor was yelling that God was here and it was the end of the world. Then another sailor came on the intercom saying that something was hovering over the ship. Above was a big glowing sphere and looked like a couple hundred feet in diameter. The planes, he said, couldn’t take off and nothing would work on the ship.

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