Witchcraft & the Occult


Hosted byArt Bell

Dr. Evelyn Paglini was a parapsychologist and one of the leading authorities on the occult and the supernatural in the US. She was born into a centuries-old family of practitioners of the occult. She was a psychic, metaphysical teacher, lecturer, consultant, doctor of divinity and founded the International Psychic Center. In her first official appearance on C2C, she stayed through the entire program and spoke about her history as a witch, and detailed the practice of the occult (such as the principle that if you do evil to others, it will come back to you "times 10").

She addressed the phenomenon of "evil entities" and using magic to affect people and events. Topics also include the Ouija Board, voodoo, protection, psychic ability, ghosts, and crystal balls, and how she mediates being both a Catholic and a witch. In the last two hours, Dr. Paglini took calls from listeners.

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