Art Bell Vault

Art Bell Vault

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Coast Insiders - enjoy our selection of vintage, commercial-free Art Bell shows, available for streaming-on-demand for both mobile and desktop platforms. Two new programs added to the Vault each week!

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The Chemtrails Mystery
The Chemtrails Mystery
Investigative journalist William Thomas delved into the phenomenon known as "chemtrails." He recounted a ground-level report from 1994 that included "bacteria" and "human white blood cells" in a kind of goo that repeatedly fell over a wide area.
The Terra Papers
The Terra Papers
A Native American of Hopi and Apache descent, Robert Morning Sky discussed Earth changes and his "Terra Papers," detailing his search for a common starting point for most of the religions on the planet.
Channeling & Suicide
Channeling & Suicide
Parapsychologist and authority on channeling, Jon Klimo, discussed what happens in the afterlife to those who commit suicide. His information was gleaned from channelers that said they'd connected with departed souls who had died from suicides.
Tracking Bigfoot
Tracking Bigfoot
Tracker and naturalist James McMullen spoke about his search for Bigfoot. His goal was to gather evidence such as footprints and DNA. In August of 1997, McMullen actually saw the animal, which he "thought at first looked like a gorilla standing in the treeline."
The Brain & Religion
The Brain & Religion
Matthew Alper, the author of "The God Part of the Brain," presented his case for religion arising out of biological and evolutionary needs rather than the existence of God. Humans are hardwired to believe in some form of spiritual reality, he argued.
Roots of Terrorism
Roots of Terrorism
Author and entrepreneur Craig Winn has made an in-depth study of terrorism by conducting interviews with such groups as al-Qaeda. "I came to the conclusion that religion is poison," said Winn, who believes it's essential to fully comprehend doctrines such as the Koran.
Space Anomalies & Govt. Secrecy
Space Anomalies & Govt. Secrecy
Researcher Richard C. Hoagland addressed a variety of topics including a news blackout at the NORAD facility, Comet Hale-Bopp, government secrecy, and space shuttle anomalies.
UFO Disclosure Hearing
UFO Disclosure Hearing
Founder of the Disclosure Project, Dr. Steven Greer, described his hearing in Washington DC, which included members of Congress and the executive branch. He supplied around a dozen witnesses who claimed to work with "extraterrestrial debris and material."