Art Bell Vault

Art Bell Vault

Welcome to Art Bell Vault!

Coast Insiders - enjoy our selection of vintage, commercial-free Art Bell shows, available for streaming-on-demand for both mobile and desktop platforms. Two new programs added to the Vault each week!

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Approaching Space Object
Approaching Space Object
Richard C. Hoagland spoke about a space object that appeared to be approaching Earth, as well as mysteries of Coral Castle, and the Abydos hieroglyphs in Egypt.
Remote Viewing Legacy
Remote Viewing Legacy
Remote viewing pioneer Ingo Swann discussed his work in setting up the government's psychic spying program beginning in the 1970s, as well as his remote viewing of structures and beings on the Moon.
Lost Civilizations & Consciousness
Lost Civilizations & Consciousness
Researcher and author Graham Hancock discussed lost ancient civilizations and the importance of exploring our own consciousness. He presented his premise that technologically advanced societies existed on Earth as far back as 12,000+ years ago.
Intention Experiments
Intention Experiments
Lynne McTaggart, author of The Intention Experiment and sponsor of the associated experiments, talked about the power of intention to alter lives and change the world.
Mars & the Rover Missions
Mars & the Rover Missions
Leader of the team that created the cameras on the Mars Rovers, Jim Bell discussed the Rover missions as well as conditions on the Red Planet. Both Spirit and Opportunity have far exceeded expectations on how long they would last.
Alien & Military Encounters
Alien & Military Encounters
Abductee and author Jim Sparks shared details of his encounters with aliens, which have persisted for almost two decades. His main experiences are with the Greys, though members of the military have been present at some of his abductions.
End of Time & Psychedelics
End of Time & Psychedelics
Ethnobotanist and psychedelic pioneer Terence McKenna (1946-2000) spoke about his background in ethnobotany and shamanism as well as the nature of time, which he described as divided into a dynamic struggle between what he called "habit and novelty."
Remote Viewing Predictions
Remote Viewing Predictions
Remote viewing teacher Major Ed Dames discussed some current cases as well as provided updates on past predictions. He said a world food crisis is coming due to increased population, plant disease, and weather changes.