Gabriel the Mercenary

Hosted byArt Bell

Gabriel the Mercenary

About the show

In hours 2, 3, & 4, "Gabriel," a mercenary, tells how he breaks people out of foreign jails. Right after getting off the phone with the producers, Gabriel said he was surrounded by 24 armed guards and they "beat the living hell out of me." They also planted guns on Gabriel and he ended up in what he thinks was a federal prison. The type of work he does, he explained, requires him to kill regularly when he is out of the country. There is a 50% chance that people in his line of work won’t come back from their first mission. Gabriel considers himself a patriot. He prefers the term "professional soldier." He does not kill unless he has to – but he still does not consider himself a hitman.

Money is the common denominator that drives everything, Gabriel revealed. There are people who are willing to put their life on the line if they can bank at least $100,000. He doesn’t always get the money upfront. Sometimes it’s half at the beginning and the second half when the mission is done. He is convinced that his life might be up by the end of the year.

In hour 1, The Amazing Kreskin shared his prediction that there would be a large UFO sighting in Nevada and even put up $50,000 to back up his prediction.

Last Night

JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
JFK & Alien Revelations / Awakening Psychic Abilities
TV personality Mike Bara discussed theories linking JFK's administration with UFOs and extraterrestrial technology. Followed by Dr. Linda Salvin, who shared her remarkable paranormal journey and offered readings for callers.


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