
Most Recent - George Knapp

Knapp's News 8/25/24
Knapp's News 8/25/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about the Big Bang and quantum teleportation.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaScience, Space & TechnologyGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 8/19/23
Knapp's News 8/19/23
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including an examination of the theory of invisible aliens, a piece on using AI to determine whether farm animals are happy, and an article on the affect of climate change on Antarctica.
George Knapp
Knapp's News 4/23/23
Knapp's News 4/23/23
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about articles about cattle mutilations and rogue AI bots.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaMysteries & AnomaliesScience, Space & TechnologyGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 3/19/23
Knapp's News 3/19/23
George Knapp shares items of recent interest, including articles about the remains of an ancient glacier found on Mars, and a new theory about where aliens could be hiding.
Science, Space & TechnologyGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 12/11/22
Knapp's News 12/11/22
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including articles about a quantum brain, new evidence in the JFK assassination, and the passing this week of ufologist A.J. Gevaerd.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaScience, Space & TechnologyAlternative History & ConspiraciesCurrent Events/EconomyGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 8/28/22
Knapp's News 8/28/22
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including discussions of government response to UFOs, psychedelic drugs, and a sentient universe.
George KnappUFOs & Aerial PhenomenaScience, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 8/27/22
Knapp's News 8/27/22
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including an examination of the companies which collect the most data from users, a piece on the legendary "Welsh Atlantis," and an article on NASA's longest-operating mission - The...
George KnappCurrent Events/Economy
Knapp's News 3/26/22
Knapp's News 3/26/22
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including an examination of aspects of Unidentified Aerial Phenomena from a scientific perspective, an article on the Mandela effect, and a piece on a mysterious subterranean city in...
George KnappUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 2/27/22
Knapp's News 2/27/22
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about the world’s largest UFO archive, and the rediscovery of a long-lost continent.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaAncient WorldScience, Space & TechnologyPsychology & MindGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 2/20/22
Knapp's News 2/20/22
George Knapp shares recent items of interest including articles about making a digital replica of the human brain, and a breakthrough in 'warping' time.
Science, Space & TechnologyGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 1/30/22
Knapp's News 1/30/22
George Knapp shares recent items of interest including articles about synthetic dimensions and the world's most powerful cyberweapon.
Science, Space & TechnologyGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 11/21/21
Knapp's News 11/21/21
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about wormholes and congressional interest in UFOs.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 9/26/21
Knapp's News 9/26/21
George Knapp shares recent items of interest including stories about Sammy Hagar's alien abduction and new discoveries on the nature of consciousness.
ExtraterrestrialGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 8/22/21
Knapp's News 8/22/21
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including an article on the Pentagon's plan to unveil a secret space weapon.
ExtraterrestrialTop SecretPsychology & MindScience, Space & TechnologyUFOs & Aerial PhenomenaGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 8/15/21
Knapp's News 8/15/21
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including an article about time travelers and viruses.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 6/27/21
Knapp's News 6/27/21
George Knapp shares items of recent interest, including articles about the newly released government report on UFOs.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaGeorge Knapp
Audio Tribute to Timothy Green Beckley
Audio Tribute to Timothy Green Beckley
We were saddened to learn that prolific author Timothy Green Beckley passed away on Sunday night. As a tribute to his life and work, we present an hour of free audio-- an interview he did with George Knapp in 2020 on alien portals.
Coast To Coast AMExtraterrestrialSupernatural & ParanormalGeorge Knapp
Knapp's News 5/29/21
Knapp's News 5/29/21
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including his own investigation into radar evidence of a UFO swarm surrounding Navy warships.
George KnappUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 3/28/21
Knapp's News 3/28/21
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including an article about an artist's experimentation with AI.
George KnappUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 3/27/21
Knapp's News 3/27/21
George Knapp shares a number of recent news items of interest, including an article about the messages sent into space in an attempt to contact extraterrestrial civilizations, a report on a strange pattern in data from the Large Hadron Collider, and...
George KnappScience, Space & Technology

Last Night

National Park Disappearances / Unidentified Submerged Objects
National Park Disappearances / Unidentified Submerged Objects
Author David Paulides spoke about unexplained disappearances in national parks and the government's opaque response. Followed by historian Richard Dolan, who shared his in-depth investigation of Unidentified Submerged Objects.


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