
Most Recent - Science, Space & Technology

Richard C. Hoagland Images 3/27/25
Richard C. Hoagland Images 3/27/25
In tandem with his 3/27/25 presentation, Richard C. Hoagland shares a set of images and descriptions related to recent Moon missions.
Science, Space & Technology
Woolly Mice Could Pave Way for Mammoth De-Extinction
Woolly Mice Could Pave Way for Mammoth De-Extinction
Colossal Biosciences has engineered "woolly mice" by modifying their DNA with key genetic traits from woolly mammoths, demonstrating their ability to recreate ancient physical characteristics.
Science, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 2/23/25
Knapp's News 2/23/25
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about water on Mars and missing continents.
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Unsettling Humanoid Robot Brings Us Closer To 'Terminator' Future
Unsettling Humanoid Robot Brings Us Closer To 'Terminator' Future
Polish startup Clone Robotics has unveiled Protoclone, a humanoid robot designed to closely mimic human anatomy with life-like synthetic muscles and translucent skin.
Science, Space & Technology
Jason Martell Images 2/17/25
Jason Martell Images 2/17/25
Guest on the 2/17/25 show, Jason Martell has sent us some images to accompany his presentation on the lost civilization on Mars.
Science, Space & TechnologyAncient World
Knapp's News 2/16/25
Knapp's News 2/16/25
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including an article on drone breaches at military installations.
Science, Space & TechnologyNature, Environment & Earth Changes
Picturing Humans 1,000 Years From Now
Picturing Humans 1,000 Years From Now
What might humans look like in 1,000 years? Assuming we're still here, tech breakthroughs, climate change, and shifting societal norms may lead to a whole new look for our future selves.
Prophecy & PredictionsScience, Space & Technology
Marshall Masters: Path of Planet X
Marshall Masters: Path of Planet X
Guest on the 2/13/25 show, Marshall Masters, shares a set of images related to his presentation on Planet X.
Alternative History & ConspiraciesScience, Space & Technology
George Haas- Martian Anomalies 2/9/25
George Haas- Martian Anomalies 2/9/25
In tandem with his appearance on the 2/9/25 show, George J. Haas, shares a set of images of Martian anomalies.
Science, Space & TechnologyMysteries & Anomalies
Doomsday Clock Moves One Second Closer to Midnight
Doomsday Clock Moves One Second Closer to Midnight
The 2025 update to the Doomsday Clock, a symbolic assessment of the catastrophic threats facing humanity, saw the metaphorical measurement advance one second closer to midnight.
Current Events/EconomyScience, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 1/26/25
Knapp's News 1/26/25
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about alien worlds and supercomputers.
UFOs & Aerial PhenomenaExtraterrestrialScience, Space & Technology
Eerie Light Phenomenon Observed by Calgary Scientists
Eerie Light Phenomenon Observed by Calgary Scientists
Meet the latest cosmic mystery catching scientists' attention: weird gray patches photobombing the Northern Lights!
Science, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 1/19/25
Knapp's News 1/19/25
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about a time travel paradox, and ancient Egyptian finds.
Science, Space & TechnologyCurrent Events/Economy
New DNA Study of Loch Ness Proposed
New DNA Study of Loch Ness Proposed
A geneticist who conducted an enlightening environmental DNA study of Loch Ness has proposed a sequel, of sorts, in the hopes of getting a better understanding of the creatures lurking there.
Creatures, Myths & LegendsScience, Space & Technology
The Moon Included on New List of Endangered Cultural Heritage Sites
The Moon Included on New List of Endangered Cultural Heritage Sites
A newly released list of endangered cultural heritage sites features a surprising off-world inclusion: the moon.
Science, Space & Technology
Watch: Sight and Sound of Meteorite Strike Captured on Video for First-Time Ever
Watch: Sight and Sound of Meteorite Strike Captured on Video for First-Time Ever
A home security system in Canada captured what scientists say is the first-ever footage featuring both the sight and sound of a meteorite strike.
Science, Space & Technology
Art Bell Vault: Roswell Crash & Alien Abductions / Anti-Gravity Technology
Art Bell Vault: Roswell Crash & Alien Abductions / Anti-Gravity Technology
This week's offerings include a classic 7/3/97 episode in which Art was joined by Linda Moulton Howe and Budd Hopkins from the Roswell UFO Festival on the 50th anniversary of the Roswell incident, and a show from 9/4/02 when writer and researcher...
Coast To Coast AMUFOs & Aerial PhenomenaScience, Space & Technology
The Most Fascinating Archaeological Discoveries of 2024
The Most Fascinating Archaeological Discoveries of 2024
The year 2024 has been remarkable for archaeology, with groundbreaking discoveries that include new Nazca Lines, the world's most ancient cheese, and cave art over 50,000 years old.
Ancient WorldScience, Space & Technology
 Follow Santa's Journey via NORAD
Follow Santa's Journey via NORAD
The tables are turned—on Christmas Eve, Santa's being watched for once.
Creatures, Myths & LegendsScience, Space & Technology
'Potentially Hazardous' Asteroid Will Pass Earth Next Week
'Potentially Hazardous' Asteroid Will Pass Earth Next Week
The near-Earth object, known as 2020 XR, is wider than the Empire State Building.
Science, Space & Technology
George Haas' Martian Anomalies Images
George Haas' Martian Anomalies Images
In tandem with his 11/28/24 interview with Cheryll Jones, George J. Haas shares a set of graphics related to his research on Martian anomalies.
Mysteries & AnomaliesScience, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 11/24/24
Knapp's News 11/24/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about artificial intelligence and aliens in parallel universes.
Science, Space & TechnologyExtraterrestrialUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Viral Video Captures Robot Leading Other Robots Away from Showroom
Viral Video Captures Robot Leading Other Robots Away from Showroom
A recent CCTV clip captured a surprising interaction where a small AI robot, Erbai, developed by Unitree Robotics, seemingly convinced 12 larger robots from a rival company's showroom in Shanghai to leave with it.
Science, Space & Technology
Knapp's News 11/17/24
Knapp's News 11/17/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about how octopuses may take over the world if humans die, and why multiple universes may offer no escape from our reality.
Science, Space & TechnologyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 10/27/24
Knapp's News 10/27/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest including an article about how the James Webb telescope has changed cosmology.
Science, Space & TechnologyUFOs & Aerial Phenomena
Knapp's News 10/20/24
Knapp's News 10/20/24
George Knapp shares recent items of interest, including articles about drone swarms and a sixth sense in geckos.
Nature, Environment & Earth ChangesScience, Space & Technology
Watch: Comet Passes by Earth for First Time in 80,000 Years
Watch: Comet Passes by Earth for First Time in 80,000 Years
Peak viewing began on October 12 when the comet made its closest approach to Earth at roughly 44 million miles.
Science, Space & Technology
The Ambitious Plan to Revive the Woolly Mammoth by 2028
The Ambitious Plan to Revive the Woolly Mammoth by 2028
Scientists at Colossal Biosciences are working on a plan to bring back woolly mammoths by 2028 using advanced gene editing techniques like CRISPR.
Science, Space & Technology
Freezing Alien Planet Offers Glimpse of Future Earth
Freezing Alien Planet Offers Glimpse of Future Earth
While there has been talk of "End Times" in recent years, what happens if we fast forward really far into our future, say around 8 billion years down the road? A distant rocky planet has recently offered scientists clues as to what might be in store...
Science, Space & Technology
Most Detailed Map of the Milky Way Unveiled
Most Detailed Map of the Milky Way Unveiled
After 13 years of observations, astronomers from the European Southern Observatory (ESO) have unveiled the most detailed map of the Milky Way ever made, covering 1.5 billion stars, moons, and planets.
Science, Space & Technology

Last Night

Screen-Time Overload / The Dark Tetrad & Attachment Theory
Screen-Time Overload / The Dark Tetrad & Attachment Theory
Teacher Judith Eckert discussed the impact of screen exposure on children's brain development. Followed by counselor and author Thais Gibson on attachment theory, and the "Dark Tetrad" personality traits.


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