David Alzofon

David Alzofon


David Alzofon is a technical writer with twenty years' experience in Silicon Valley. He was also a witness to the development of Dr. Frederick Alzofon's (his father) gravity-control technology, from an Air Force report on his father's research in 1960. Through publication of a lengthy paper on the technology at the 17th Joint Propulsion Conference in 1981, clandestine experiments were conducted that validated it in 1994. After his father's death in 2012, Mr. Alzofon began a quest to mainstream the technology, with the aim of opening the space frontier, energizing the global economy, and reversing climate change. This resulted in the publication of "How to Build a Flying Saucer (And Save the Planet)" in 2017, followed by "The Top-Ten UFO Riddles - Solutions from Science" in 2018. Mr. Alzofon is currently a speaker at alternative energy conferences.



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