Russ Baker

Russ Baker


Award-winning investigative journalist Russ Baker has written for major news organizations around the world, including the New York Times, Vanity Fair, and Esquire, and has been a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review. He is the author of a bestselling work of investigative history, Family of Secrets: the Bush Dynasty, America’s Invisible Government and the Hidden History of the Last Fifty Years. He is founder and editor-in-chief of the groundbreaking news site, which specializes in digging into the stories the conventional media barely touches-- and in seeking answers to the question, "Why." WhoWhatWhy is nonpartisan and nonprofit, and receives all of its funding through public donations.



Past Shows:

  • JFK Assassination Research

    Researcher Mark Shaw shared details about the JFK assassination, particularly revelations from Warren Commission members. Followed by investigative journalist Russ Baker with more on the conspiracy surrounding the assassination.More »
  • Legacy of George HW Bush/ Open Lines

    Investigative journalist Russ Baker revealed what he has uncovered about the life of late president George H.W. Bush. Open Lines followed.More »
  • RFK Assassination & Deep State/ Dehumanizing Technology

    Russ Baker discussed the RFK assassination and the "Deep State." Followed by Dr. Nick Begich on issues of technology and privacy.More »
  • JFK Special XIV

    Lamar Waldron, Mark Shaw, Jerome Corsi, Russ Baker, & Paul DeBole weighed-in on their theories of who was really behind the assassination.More »
  • Mind Control & MK-Ultra - JFK Assassination & Deep Politics

    First half guest Matthew Pauly, an expert in computer architecture and programming, discussed his experience being a non-consensual subject for mind control experiments. In the latter half, Russ Baker, an award-winning investigative reporter, talked about his ongoing work...More »
  • Ebola Preparedness / Warren Commission

    In the first half of the program, author and preparedness expert Mathew Stein discussed the latest information on the Ebola outbreak and how people can avoid catching the illness should an epidemic occur. In the latter half of the show, investigative reporter Russ Baker...More »
  • Behind the News / Numerology & 2014

    In the first half, investigative reporter Russ Baker shared insights into stories behind the news, terrorism, and conspiracies. People with known connections to terrorism have been accorded an unusual degree of movement, such as the 9/11 hijackers and others involved in Jihad,...More »
  • Farmageddon

    Producer of the new documentary, Farmageddon, and family farm advocate, Kristin Canty, joined Ian Punnett (Twitter) for a discussion on how small family farms that were providing safe, healthy foods to their communities have been forced to stop, sometimes through violent action,...More »
  • Martian Artifacts & Torsion Physics

    C2C science advisor Richard C. Hoagland discussed what he believes are artificial 'man-made' structures on Mars (such as The Apartments), and the hyperdimensional/torsion field physics that he learned about by decoding the Cydonia ruins. In the first hour, investigative...More »
  • The Wrecking Crew/ Open Lines

    During the first half of the program, Ian Punnett welcomed author Kent Hartman for a discussion on 'The Wrecking Crew,' a group of the largely unknown and uncredited studio musicians who played on countless classic rock songs. Followed by Open Lines. In the first half hour,...More »
  • Chinese Astrology & Sunspots

    Engineer and scientist Maurice Cotterell discussed astrology and the effects of the sunspot cycle on human personality and behavior, as well as other topics from his book, FutureScience. In the first hour, investigative reporter Russ Baker commented on Twitter's...More »
  • Unraveling 9/11

    Guest host John B. Wells (email) was joined by award-winning investigative reporter Russ Baker for a discussion on why so many unanswered questions linger about what exactly happened ten years ago on September 11th. In the first hour, geopolitical analyst Craig B. Hulet...More »
  • Police Interrogation

    Novelist and screenwriter Paul Bishop joined Ian to discuss his 35-year career for the LAPD where he worked as an interrogator and sex crimes detective. In the first hour, Egyptologist and author David Elkington provided an update on the Jordan Codices, and investigative...More »
  • Military-Industrial Complex & Prices We Pay

    Investigative reporter Russ Baker spoke about an odd string of "coincidental" historical anniversaries that tie in with President Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex. Then, Eduardo Porter, from the NY Times editorial board, revealed the true story...More »
  • Renegade History

    Historian Thaddeus Russell joined Ian Punnett to discuss his controversial view of American history. In the first hour, investigative reporter Russ Baker commented on George W. Bush's new book, Decision Points.More »
  • Bush Family Secrets

    Ian Punnett welcomed award-winning investigative reporter Russ Baker, who discussed the connections between the Bush family and the intelligence community, as well as startling evidence that shed new light on the JFK assassination and Watergate. During the first...More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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