Martin W. Ball

Martin W. Ball


Martin W. Ball, Ph.D., is a writer, independent publisher, energy worker, visionary artist, and musician currently living in Ashland Oregon. In the spring of 2009 Martin underwent a profound energetic opening and transformation - the product of intensive work with entheogenic medicines and a year of profound self-exploration. The result is Martin's articulation of what he calls the "Entheological Paradigm," a Grand Unified Theory of all of reality from God to the direct experience of each human being, which he characterizes as an articulation of his view on "radical nonduality."

Martin earned his B.A. at Occidental College in Los Angeles in 1994 where he studied Philosophy and Religious Studies. From there he went to graduate school at the University of California, Santa Barbara where he earned his M.A. and Ph.D. in Religious Studies in 2000 with an emphasis on Native American traditions, Philosophy of Science and Religion, and the Phenomenology of Mystical and Shamanic Experience, as well as the role of entheogens in religious and spiritual experience. For his Ph.D. dissertation, Martin performed fieldwork at the Mescalero Apache reservation in New Mexico where he studied with a number of medicine people and researched the Mescalero Mountain Spirit tradition.



Past Shows:

Last Night

Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Ancient Cataclysms & Book of Enoch / Angels & the Akashic Records
Researcher and explorer Timothy Alberino discussed ancient civilizations, cataclysms, and the Book of Enoch. Followed by teacher Amy Robeson on her work with the angelic realm, and the Akashic Records.


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