Barbara Shupe

Barbara Shupe


Barbara Shupe lives in the Cascade Mountains, north of Mt. Rainier, in Washington state. On Nov.1st, 2012, while hiking with her dog, Gabby, on the mountain behind her cabin, she heard strange talking, whistles, and a grunt. Then, she watched a Bigfoot following an elk herd. Suddenly, many years of strange occurrences started to make sense. In the years since then, through respect and trust, she realized a relationship, of sorts, with the Sasquatch. She's also gathered a wonderful group of like-minded experiencers and researchers. Together, they are the B&G Group and we have had more experiences than she can count. She's documented it all on her YouTube channel, "Squatchin' with Barb and Gabby."


Past Shows:

  • The Field of Dreams / The Miracles of Easter

    Barbara Shupe discussed her encounters with Sasquatch, little people, and fairies. Followed by Stan Larimer who delved into the story of the resurrection of Jesus and the miracles of Easter.More »

Last Night

Green Energy Breakdown / Dangerous Artificial Intelligence
Green Energy Breakdown / Dangerous Artificial Intelligence
Steve Goreham discussed the rising demand for electric power and the impending "green energy breakdown". Followed by Christopher Macklin, who explored the dangers of emerging artificial intelligence.


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