Dr. Neal Barnard

Dr. Neal Barnard


Neal Barnard, M.D., is a clinical researcher, author, and health advocate. He has been the lead investigator on several research studies on diet and health, including a recent major study on a new dietary approach to diabetes, funded by the National Institutes of Health. He is the author of many publications in scientific journals and more than a dozen books for lay readers. Dr. Barnard is an Adjunct Associate Professor of Medicine at the George Washington University School of Medicine, a Life Member of the American Medical Association, and a member of the American Diabetes Association.



Past Shows:

  • Diet & Nutrition

    President of the Physician's Committee for Responsible Medicine, Dr. Neal Barnard, M.D., shared some of the latest medical research on diet and nutrition, as well as discussed how certain foods trigger the release of natural opiates in the brain and cause physical addiction. ...More »
  • Food & Health / Bigfoot Search

    During the first half of the show, Dr. Neal Barnard, president of the Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine, discussed health aspects of food and nutrition, and also addressed the problem of food contamination.More »