Dash Beardsley

Dash Beardsley


Dash Beardsley, Galveston's premier paranormal expert, also known as "The Ghostman of Galveston" is the creator of The Ghost Tours of Galveston, which began in 1998 and has been rated the #1 Ghost Tour in America.


Past Shows:

  • Pre-Supermoon Open Lines

    George Noory hosted an evening of Open Lines. In the first hour, Dash Beardsley, paranormal expert and creator of the Ghost Tours of Galveston, shared some of the haunted history of Galveston Island.More »

Last Night

Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Napoleon's US Exploration / Amelia Earhart Mystery
Author Walter Bosley discussed Napoleon Bonaparte and his mysterious ties to North America. Followed by filmmaker Rich Martini with details on the fate of American aviation pioneer Amelia Earhart.


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