Bemile Mavinga

Bemile Mavinga


Bemile (Hubert) Mavinga has been a meteor hunter for 24 years. His fascination with meteorites started at a young age. As a kid, he was not interested in kids' games, besides soccer, karate, and Judo. It's why he was mostly hanging with older people, trying to learn as much as he could. He was more into science, specifically the medical field, space phenomena, discoveries, and creepy research. He was mostly trying to answer questions that could not find answers in the mainstream and spending hours observing the sky in search of a shooting star, a meteorite falling, or UFO activities. He hopes to study those extraterrestrial materials for scientific discoveries to enhance the knowledge of our solar system.


Past Shows:

  • Meteorite Hunting / Precognition & ESP

    Meteorite hunter Bemile Mavinga talked about his experience and his passion for finding meteorites. Followed by interdisciplinary scientist Jon Taylor who discussed his theory on precognition and ESP.More »

Last Night

Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Metabolic Balance / Electronic Voice Phenomena
Jane Durst-Pulkys, PhD, discussed the metabolic balance program, which aims to reset metabolism, reduce inflammation, and achieve optimal weight. Followed by paranormal investigator Anthony F. Sanchez who delved into UFO and paranormal phenomena, ghost hunter apps, and EVPs.


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