Michael Bennett

Michael Bennett


Dr. J. Michael Bennett is a scientist, inventor and entrepreneur, with a doctorate in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Dayton in Dayton, Ohio. He served for over fifteen years as a Technical Leader at the Air Force Research Labs at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, receiving numerous honors. He has over 15 patents in numerous fire safety technologies. His passion today is his independently produced, internationally acclaimed radio show “Future Quake”, broadcast from Nashville, Tennessee-- the home of his radio persona “Doctor Future." The show is now in its fifth year of broadcast.



Past Shows:

  • Facing the Future

    Appearing during the middle two hours of the show, scientist, radio host, and social critic, Dr. Michael Bennett aka Dr. Future, talked about the coming problems humanity faces, as well as his inventions, and Biblical interpretations. By 2020, we could be dealing with serious...More »

Last Night

Fractal Holographic Universe / Julian Assange Case
Fractal Holographic Universe / Julian Assange Case
Billy Carson, founder and CEO of 4BiddenKnowledge TV, explored the concept of the universe as a fractal hologram. Followed by filmmaker Kym Staton who discussed the Julian Assange story and "The Trust Fall: Julian Assange" documentary.


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