Bersabeh Ray

Bersabeh Ray


Bersabeh Ray was born in Iran during the Iran-Iraq War. Growing up, her childhood disappeared into a cloud of death, violence, sexual abuse, and instability, much like we’re seeing in the world today. She experienced many traumatic events, such as witnessing the military force take her parents when she was only four years old and witnessing an entire government being overthrown in the name of “democracy.” Her family escaped to Pakistan when she was seven and eventually smuggled themselves to the United States.

She faced many challenges growing up, such as not speaking English, falling into gang behavior and drug culture. Bersabeh was in abusive relationships for years before finding the self-confidence and courage to leave. In 2013 she met James Arthur Ray, and she helped him rebuild his life after he lost everything. As an intuitive consultant, Bersabeh serves as a bridge back to home for the lost and extensively helps people heal from their past and reclaim their voice.



Past Shows:

  • Journey of James Arthur Ray / Cosmic Truths

    Author James Arthur Ray and his partner Bersabeh Ray discussed James' transformative journey from a renowned figure in personal development, to the tragic events surrounding a sweat lodge ceremony. First hour guest Constance Victoria Briggs explored ET connections with Earth.More »

Last Night

Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Reagan & Nixon / Open Lines
Author and speechwriter Ken Khachigian discussed his days working with former Presidents Ronald Reagan and Richard Nixon. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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