Bill Kousoulas

Bill Kousoulas


Bill Kousoulas’ life-long interest in the paranormal began in the late seventies with the original Project UFO series that aired on Sunday night television. In 2003, he was introduced to The Mothman Prophecies movie, and it truly changed his life. Since then, he has read nearly all of John Keel’s research, as well as the works of similar authors, including Gray Barker and Andy Colvin. He holds a doctorate in psychology, with a focus on post-traumatic growth. He and his wife are currently examining the correlations between paranormal experiences and post-traumatic growth, and they work with Chicago-based researcher Amanda Raber in Phenomenology Research Partners.


Past Shows:

  • Curse of Lizzie Borden

    Author and clairvoyant Sam Baltrusis discussed the curse of Lizzie Borden and details of the case. First-hour guest Bill Kousoulas talked about the psychological significance of Mothman lore and the 1967 Silver Bridge disaster.More »