Billy Tolley

Billy Tolley


Having a solid background in audio editing and production software, Billy Tolley was first intrigued by the paranormal after learning about electronic voice phenomena (EVP). With several years of experience in music and audio production, his curiosity led him to investigate and capture EVPs for himself. 

Tolley’s fascination with the paranormal field grew stronger, and in 2006, he founded a paranormal group with some friends – the Las Vegas Paranormal Investigations of Mysterious Phenomena Squad (LV PIMPS). He started sharing details of his audio captures with Zak Bagans and joined the Ghost Adventures series as one of the paranormal investigation team’s audio/visual technicians and EVP analyst. 


Past Shows:

  • AI & Intelligent Design / Haunted Locations

    Evolvable hardware expert Hugo de Garis discussed the latest ideas in AI—and how they're a potential threat to humankind. Followed by TV paranormal investigators Billy Tolley and Jay Wasley on the haunted locations they encounter.More »

Last Night

Investigating Bigfoot / Ghost Hunting & Parapsychology
Investigating Bigfoot / Ghost Hunting & Parapsychology
Bigfoot researcher Matt Moneymaker shared his extensive background studying Sasquatch. Followed by Loyd Auerbach, who explained the field of parapsychology and its intersection with psychic phenomena and ghosts.


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