William J. Birnes

William J. Birnes


William (Bill) Birnes is a New York Times best-selling author, a magazine publisher, and a New York literary publishing agent who has written and edited over twenty-five books and encyclopedias in the fields of human behavior, true crime, current affairs, history, psychology, business, computing, and the paranormal.

As publisher of the nationally distributed UFO Magazine, editor of The UFO Encyclopedia published by Pocket Books, and co-author, with the nation's top radio talk-show host, George Noory, of A Worker In The Light, Dr. Birnes has added to his list of publications in the UFO/Paranormal field, which include: The Day After Roswell, Unsolved UFO Mysteries, and The Haunting of the Presidents.

William Birnes received his Ph.D. from New York University in 1974 while he was an Instructor of English at Trenton State College in New Jersey where he taught structural linguistics and historical linguistics as well as literature and writing. Professor Birnes was a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellow, a Lily Post Doctoral Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, and a grants award judge for the National Endowment for the Arts.



Past Shows:

  • Pennsylvania Cryptids / UFOs and the White House

    Researcher Stan Gordon shared stories about about strange cryptids in Pennsylvania. Followed by author William Birnes discussing a number of stories involving UFOs and the White House.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time traveled back to July 4, 2001, when Art interviewed Linda Moulton Howe, Philip J. Corso, and Bill Birnes from Roswell, NM, about the infamous UFO crash in 1947.More »
  • The Inventions of Hedy Lamarr & UFOs

    Researcher Bill Birnes delved into the life of movie star and inventor Hedy Lamarr, and commented on UFO stories.More »
  • Humanity & Space Exploration/ White House & UFOs

    Michio Kaku described physics theories about space travel.Bill Birnes revealed the truth about UFOs and the White House.More »
  • Talking to the Dead/ Zombie Apcalypse

    Bill Birnes discussed Edison and Tesla's rivalry and the "spirit phone." Greg Garrett told about the symbolism of zombies.More »
  • Roswell/ Edison & the Spirit Phone

    Bill Birnes talked about the Roswell incident as well as the rivalry between Thomas Edison and Nikola Tesla and their race to invent a "spirit phone."More »
  • Battle of LA/ Mysteries of Memory

    Ufologist Bill Birnes recalled the "Battle of L.A."Dr. Julia Shaw discussed the many ways in which our brains may create inaccurate memories.More »
  • Art Bell: Somewhere in Time

    Art Bell: Somewhere in Time returned to 7/4/01 when Linda Moulton Howe, Philip J. Corso, and Bill Birnes were interviewed live Roswell, NM, about the infamous UFO crash in 1947.More »
  • UFO Mysteries & Mickey Rooney

    Ufologist Bill Birnes joined George Knapp to share inside details of his TV show UFO Hunters, and some of the cases they covered, during its run on the History Channel starting in 2008. In the latter portion of the show, Birnes talked about his new biography of Mickey Rooney. ...More »
  • UFOs: Current News & WWI Cases

    In the first half, Dave Schrader welcomed author and UFO researcher, Bill Birnes, who discussed a wide range of UFO topics from the highly anticipated May 5 press conference in Mexico, to the disclosure comment made by former Obama advisor John Podesta. In the latter half,...More »
  • Time Anomalies

    Host Dave Schrader (email) welcomed paranormal researchers William Birnes and Joel Martin for a discussion on the possibilities of time travel, time slip phenomena, déjà vu, and alternate dimensions. They were joined in the first hour by time-traveling attorney Andrew D. Basiago...More »
  • 'The Other' / Esoteric America

    In the first half of the program, George Knapp welcomed legendary paranormal writer, Brad Steiger, who reflected on his prodigious career researching the unexplained and shared his thoughts on what may be behind encounters with otherworldly beings. In the latter half,...More »
  • Voodoo / UFO Hunters

    In the first half of the program, George Knapp was joined by Dr. John Alexander, who discussed his recent trips to West Africa and Mongolia where he met shamans and observed voodoo rituals. In the latter half, author Bill Birnes talked about his role on the defunct TV series UFO...More »
  • Las Vegas / 'Dr. Feelgood'

    In the first half of the program, George Knapp was joined by popular former Las Vegas mayor Oscar Goodman, who discussed his career as a mob attorney, representing everyone from Meyer Lansky to Lefty Rosenthal, as well as how this led to him becoming the mayor of Las Vegas. ...More »
  • 20th Century Paranormal

    Authors William J. Birnes and Joel Martin discussed a variety of paranormal events, subjects, and personalities of twentieth century America and their unexpected influences. Martin characterized three different categories of the paranormal. First hour guest, astrologer Mark...More »
  • UFO Sightings & Investigations

    Author, magazine publisher, and host of the History Channel's UFO Hunters, William J. Birnes discussed recent and classic UFO cases, researchers, and the field of ufology itself. For his newest book, Aliens in America, a kind of travel guide to UFO hotspots, he chose cases that...More »
  • Journey to the Light

    Author William J. Birnes spoke with George Noory about their new work Journey to the Light, which presents evidence that human psychic potential is real, and a number of the contributors to the book joined the show to tell their story. Last hour guest, paranormal...More »
  • America's Paranormal History

    Co-authors of the The Haunting of America, Joel Martin and Bill Birnes detailed how paranormal events have influenced politics, law, psychology, and other areas, from the Salem Witch trials to the present. Last hour guest, author and metaphysician Stuart Wilde shared some...More »
  • UFO Events & Issues

    George Knapp talked with Needles object witness Frank Costigan (KLAS TV report) in the first hour. Following that, retired Air Force Capt. Robert Collins talked about UFO disinformation during the second hour. Then, author William Birnes discussed a number of issues related to...More »
  • UFO Year in Review

    In a 4-hour special, George Knapp welcomed Alejandro Rojas and James Carrion, both of MUFON to review UFO sightings and events of 2008...More »
  • Egypt & The Grand Canyon

    Author and archeologist David Hatcher Childress discussed his research into artifacts found in the Grand Canyon that suggest Egyptians may have visited North America thousands of years ago. He also talked about his investigation of the Olmecs and amazing technologies possessed...More »
  • 2012 & Parallel Realities

    Lecturer and researcher David Wilcock returned, sharing his perceptions about 2012 and parallel realities.More »
  • 'Worker in the Light' Special

    Best selling author, William J. Birnes spoke with George about their book Worker in the Light.More »
  • Corso & UFOs

    Best-selling author William J. Birnes joined George Noory to announce the release of their new book, Worker in the Light.More »
  • Future Lives & Time Travel

    Author and hypnotic regressionist Dr. Bruce Goldberg offered details about future life progression, time travel, soul mates, Atlantis and aliens. In his accessing of the Akashic Records, he revealed two of George Noory's future lives.More »
  • Cayce's Reincarnation?

    Author Wynn Free was joined by intuitive David Wilcock, whom he believes is the reincarnation of "the sleeping prophet," Edgar Cayce.More »

Last Night

Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Coombs Ferry Creature / Jack the Ripper & Suchir Balaji's Death
Cryptozoologist D.A. Roberts recounted his terrifying experience on a remote Missouri island where his team found evidence of a large creature. Followed by podcaster Joel Waldman who discussed Jack the Ripper and the suspicious death of Open AI whistleblower Suchir Balaji.


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