Martin Blank

Martin Blank


Martin Blank earned PhDs in physical chemistry (1957) from Columbia University and in colloid science (1960) from University of Cambridge. He came to Columbia in 1959, retired as Associate Professor in 2011 and is now a Special Lecturer. His research has been on membranes, transport processes, excitation, and recently on health effects of electromagnetic radiation (EMR).

During his tenure, he had short-term appointments at 11 universities around the world, as well as at five industrial research labs and the US Office of Naval Research. He also organized many meetings, including two World Congresses on Electricity and Magnetism in Biology and Medicine, 4 Erice (Italy) Courses on Bioelectrochemistry, and he started the Gordon Research Conferences on Bioelectrochemistry.



Past Shows:

  • EMF Dangers / Climate Controversy

    In the first half, Martin Blank, currently a Special Lecturer in the department of physiology and biophysics at Columbia University, discussed what electromagnetic radiation (EMF) from technology such as cell phones and WIFI does to our bodies after prolonged exposure. In...More »

Last Night

Green Energy Breakdown / Dangerous Artificial Intelligence
Green Energy Breakdown / Dangerous Artificial Intelligence
Steve Goreham discussed the rising demand for electric power and the impending "green energy breakdown". Followed by Christopher Macklin, who explored the dangers of emerging artificial intelligence.


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