Tom Blees

Tom Blees


Tom Blees leads an adventurous life, and in doing so, he and his wife founded a charitable organization to provide safe water supplies to villagers in Central America. In the course of fundraising to launch the project, he happened upon some little-known technologies that he realized could havea profound global impact if used properly. After nearly a decade of research, and working hand-in-hand with the scientists who developed its core, Tom authored ‘Prescription for the Planet’; his book explains a vision to dramatically improve the lives of people around the world while restoring our planet's health.



Past Shows:

  • Search for Bigfoot

    Three experts in the field of cryptozoology (Dr. Jeffrey Meldrum, Daniel Perez, & Loren Coleman) discussed the latest findings and theories in the search for Bigfoot, in separate one-hour appearances. First hour guest, researcher Tom Blees talked about nuclear energy...More »
  • Energy Solutions & NDEs

    In the first half of the show, Dannion & Kathryn Brinkley spoke about their near death experiences (NDEs). During the latter half of the program, researcher Tom Blees discussed energy solutions that might solve the world's environmental woes.More »
  • Psychic Phenomena & ESP

    Psychiatrist Dr. Diane Hennacy Powell discussed her work validating psychic abilities & ESP. First hour guest, author Tom Blees shared solutions for global problems related to energy and greenhouse gas emissions.More »