Bobbie Merrill is a child and family therapist, parenting consultant, and trauma treatment specialist. She is also a best-selling international author as well as a past contributor to an award-winning relationship column for the Honolulu Advertiser and a freelance relationship columnist with her husband, Dr. Tom Merrill, for Cox News/NY Times News Service.
Bobbie was honored in Honolulu Magazine at the height of her career as one of Honolulu’s most successful women. Now a grandmother and a conscious female voice, Bobbie continues to remain passionate about inspiring all of us—herself included—to become our best selves in order to create a kinder, more just and joyful humanity living in a kinder, more just and joyful world. To this end, Bobbie continues to write books and blogs, consult, and conduct online classes designed to help us bring these possibilities to life.