Karen Boren

Karen Boren


Karen Boren is the author of "Messiah of the Winepress: Christ and the RedHeifer" everything you could possibly want to know about the Red Heifer ofthe Old Testament. Karen has written for a daily newspaper and for nationalmagazines. She has had a long-time interest in Israel and religion. She haswritten numerous articles about Judaism, the Dead Sea Scrolls, archaeologyand Jewish-Christian relations as well as interviewed a number of Holocaustsurvivors and those who helped them.


Past Shows:

  • All About the Red Heifer

    Karen Boren is the author of "Messiah of the Winepress: Christ and the Red Heifer" which contains everything you could possibly want to know about the Red Heifer of the Old Testament. She spoke about this, the Dead Sea Scrolls, archaeology and other matters.More »