David G. Brown

David G. Brown


David G. Brown currently holds a Master, Great Lakes & Inland, 100 GT with Auxiliary Sail and Commercial Assistance Towing endorsements. He has held his license since 1985. During that time he has operated commercial vessels ranging from aluminum pontoon boats to a 74-foot wooden schooner and a 65-foot, 20-knot ferry. Currently, he is co-owner of the Maumee River Navigation Company which operates two water taxi vessels on the Maumee River in Toledo, Ohio.

David is a nationally-recognized boating expert. He publishes monthly columns in Offshore and Boating World magazines. His work has also appeared in Motorboating, Dockside, Chesapeake Bay, Voyages, and Southern Boating magazines. He was the chief writer for the 62nd update of Chapman: Piloting, Seamanship & Small boat handling. He is the author of the book, Boatbuilding with Baltek DuraKore. He estimates that he has taught more than 65 Coast Guard License prep classes since 1986. Brown has rescued nine people while serving as a professional master. Prior to becoming a full-time maritime writer, Brown spent 17 years in TV news, working in markets from Burlington, Vermont to Detroit MI.


Past Shows:

  • Preparedness & Evolution

    Board certified in disaster medicine and adviser for FEMA’s NW region, Geoffrey Simmons discussed preparedness as well as his work with Darwin, Creation and the evolution of man. Lamenting that most people are woefully unprepared for disasters, he cited studies which say that...More »
  • 9-11 Cover-Up

    Investigative journalist Peter Lance discussed Iran's nuclear ambitions, the U.S. government's Able Danger program, TWA 800 cover-up, and how the murder indictment of a former FBI supervisory special agent could re-open the 9-11 investigation.More »
  • Titanic: Myth & Fact

    Boating expert and author of The Last Log of the Titanic, David G. Brown, shared his research on the sinking of the famed ocean liner. The popular film Titanic, he said, was more of a "mythical" portrayal of events, and not based on the hard facts. The 60-63 ft. iceberg was seen...More »

Last Night

Eyeing Your Potential / NDEs & the Afterlife
Eyeing Your Potential / NDEs & the Afterlife
Liz Larson explained the profound impact of eye movement on neurological health and personal transformation. Followed by Gregory Shushan, who discussed near-death experiences and cross-cultural beliefs about the afterlife.


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