John Bush

John Bush


John Bush was born and raised in Austin, Texas where he has become a notorious community activist. He lives on a small farmstead with his fiance and fellow rabble rouser, Catherine Bleish, and their daughter, Aliana. Their family raises chickens and maintains a vegetable garden with several friends. John has dedicated over a decade to promoting the ideals of a free society through grassroots mobilization campaigns, speaking on liberty issues across the country, and epic Facebook debates.

John has made his presence known to the city council and state legislature through his consistent dedication to liberty activism and his unique use of street theater to garnish local media attention. Currently he gives speeches on the philosophy of liberty, Agenda 21, and activist strategies.


Past Shows:

  • Self Sufficiency & Sovereign Lifestyle

    Self sufficiency experts John Bush and Catherine Bleish joined John B. Wells for a discussion on how to live a sovereign lifestyle, without the need for state interference.More »