Tom Cameron

Tom Cameron


Tom Cameron, "The Human Stun Gun", has been involved in martial arts forover thirty years and has developed the ability to knock down, knock out orshut an attacker's organs off. The technique requires little more than atouch and in many instances just the intent without physical contact issufficient.


Past Shows:

  • Tom Cameron

    Tom Cameron, "The Human Stun Gun", has been involved in martial arts forover thirty years and has developed the ability to knock down, knock out orshut an attacker's organs off. The technique requires little more than atouch and in many instances just the intent without physical...More »

Last Night

Near-Death Experience / Astrological Forecast
Near-Death Experience / Astrological Forecast
Author and director Sebastian Junger shared a compelling near-death experience that occurred after his pancreatic artery ruptured. Followed by astrologer Mark Lerner, who discussed upcoming astrological cycles and alignments.


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