Carla Bogni-Kidd

Carla Bogni-Kidd


Carla Bogni-Kidd has been on a lifelong journey of spirituality, always seeking her purpose and very often serving as a vessel for others’ journeys. The theme running through her life has been to help others—that is where she feels the happiest. Carla is quite comfortable speaking with people about their innermost feelings and challenges. Her closest friends have often referred to her as their personal counselor.



Past Shows:

  • Remote Viewing / Shared Past Lives

    Paul H. Smith, who served in the government's Star Gate program, shared updates and recollections on remote viewing. Followed by authors Dr. David Bettenhausen and Carla Bogni-Kidd on their memories of 29 past lives together.More »
  • Operation 40 / Shared Past Lives

    Ole Dammegard delved into Operation 40, the Deep State's elite assassination squad. Followed by David Bettenhausen and Carla Bogni-Kidd on reincarnation and their shared past lives.More »

Last Night

Lore of the Shapeshifters / Open Lines
Lore of the Shapeshifters / Open Lines
George Noory celebrated the start of his 23rd year hosting Coast to Coast AM, welcoming John Kachuba for a discussion on shapeshifters — people who can change themselves into another person, animal, or inanimate object. Open Lines followed in the latter half of the program.


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