John L. Casey

John L. Casey


John L. Casey is a former White House space program advisor, consultant to NASA Headquarters, and space shuttle engineer. He is one of America’s most successful climate change researchers and climate prediction experts. Mr. Casey is the leading advocate in the US for a national and international plan to prepare for the next climate change to one of a dangerous cold climate era. This new cold era is caused by a historic decline in the Sun’s energy output, what he calls a “solar hibernation.”

In the spring of 2007, he became the first researcher to announce this dramatic change in the Sun to the White House and the mainstream media. In addition to correctly predicting the hibernation of the Sun, recently confirmed by NASA and other science organizations, he has correctly predicted the end of global warming, and the long term decline in the Earth's temperatures.



Past Shows:

  • Global Cooling/ Satanic Beliefs

    In the first half, President of the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), John L. Casey, spoke about his discovery of a solar cycle that is now reversing from its global warming phase to that of dangerous global cooling for the next thirty years or more. In the...More »
  • Global Cooling / Electromagnetic Weaponry

    In the first half, former national space policy advisor to the White House and Congress as well as President of the Space and Science Research Corporation (SSRC), John L. Casey, discussed his discovery of a solar cycle that is steering the planet into a dangerous phase of global...More »