Jack Cashill

Jack Cashill


Jack Cashill is a Kansas City-based writer and documentary producer. His books include First Strike, coauthored with James Sanders; Ron Brown's Body, which explored the plane crash that killed the former Commerce Secretary; and TWA 800: The Crash, The Cover-Up, and the Conspiracy, the definitive book on the fate of the doomed airliner. His most recent book is Barack Obama's Promised Land. Jack has a Ph.D. from Purdue.



Past Shows:

  • TWA Flight 800 / UK Folklore & Creatures

    Jack Cashill discussed TWA Flight 800, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean shortly after takeoff in 1996, killing all 230 passengers on board. Followed by tech journalist Charles Christian on folklore, urban myths, and the weird.More »
  • Undercover for the CIA

    Amaryllis Fox discussed her experiences and what she learned working undercover for the CIA. In the first hour, Jack Cashill commented on the downing of the Ukrainian jetliner over Iran.More »
  • Flight 800 Conspiracy/ Open Lines

    Writer and documentary producer Jack Cashill discussed the 1996 TWA Flight 800 disaster, and his contention that the CIA & FBI collaborated on one of the greatest cover-ups in American peacetime history. Midweek Open Lines followed in the latter half.More »
  • Plane Crashes/ Psychic Skills

    In the first half, writer and producer Jack Cashill discussed how various political agendas have corrupted the way airline crashes and accidents are investigated by governments and covered in the media. In the latter half, remote viewing instructor and dowsing practitioner, Paul...More »
  • Baffling Disappearances

    Former lawman turned investigative journalist, David Paulides, discussed patterns of missing persons in America's national parks and other rugged wilderness areas, and how these disappearances fit a peculiar set of circumstances that defy logic. First hour guest, writer and...More »
  • Darwin & Intelligent Design

    Pointing out a hitch in Darwin's theory of evolution, Cambridge trained philosopher of science, Stephen C. Meyer, presented an argument for intelligent design. Darwin believed the appearance of purposeful design in living organisms was a kind of illusion, and explained it as a...More »
  • In the Year 2012...

    Expert in ancient manuscripts, Glenn Kimball, discussed what the Mayans and other ancients recorded on their calendars about the year 2012, and the grand implications of what could be in store for humanity.More »
  • TWA Flight 800 & 9/11

    Writer and producer Jack Cashill discussed the connection between the first World Trade Center bombing (1993), the downing of TWA Flight 800, the Iraq war, and how the terrorist attack on 9/11 could have been averted.More »
  • Middle East & TWA 800

    In the first half of the show, Howard Bloom shared his analysis of the Middle East situation, naming Iran and Saudi Arabia as being behind Hamas and Hezbollah in the Israeli conflict.More »
  • Ron Brown & Flight 800

    Author Jack Cashill presented an in-depth report on the life and death of Commerce Secretary Ron Brown, whom he believed was shot in the head by Croatian contract agents, after his plane went down in 1996. Further, Cashill suggested that Brown's plane was misled by a rogue...More »
  • The Downing of TWA Flight 800

    Jack Cashill, an investigative journalist, and co-author of First Strike, spoke with Barbara on Sunday night. He presented evidence that the downing of TWA Flight 800 in 1996 was the result of a terrorist action.More »

Last Night

Green Energy Breakdown / Dangerous Artificial Intelligence
Green Energy Breakdown / Dangerous Artificial Intelligence
Steve Goreham discussed the rising demand for electric power and the impending "green energy breakdown". Followed by Christopher Macklin, who explored the dangers of emerging artificial intelligence.


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