Randy Cerveny

Randy Cerveny


Randy Cerveny is a professor who specializes in weather and climate in the Department of Geography at Arizona State University. His work has ranged from looking at the weather associated with prison escapes (for the Department of Defense) to computing the weather of the next 10,000 years (for the Nuclear Regulatory Commission in the design of their waste depository at Yucca Mountain Nevada). He also manages the Arizona Thunderstorm Chase Project, an effort between ASU and the National Weather Service to better forecast and warn about summer monsoon thunderstorms, and is an editor of the popular-based weather magazine Weatherwise. Currently he is working with the World Meteorological Organization to develop a global database of extreme weather records.



Past Shows:

  • Ghosts & Hauntings

    Paranormal investigator and researcher Rosemary Ellen Guiley spoke about haunting phenomena, the new edition of The Encyclopedia of Ghosts & Spirits, and her studies of dreaming.More »
  • The Shadow Realm

    Renowned author of books on the paranormal, Brad Steiger shared his research about a 'Shadow World' and its inhabitants, who may appear as normal to us, only to disappear without a trace.More »
  • Creepy Places, Weather, & John Titor

    In the first hour, climate professor Randy Cerveny shared freak weather stories. During Open Lines, George offered a 'creepy places' hotline. In the final half-hour, George played his pre-taped interview with Larry Haber, attorney for the family of 'time traveler' John Titor.More »