Charles F. Rosenay

Charles F. Rosenay


Charles F. Rosenay specializes in paranormal investigations and making contact with the other side. He has experienced various supernatural occurrences, including encounters with ghosts.



Past Shows:

  • Belief in the Divine / Psychic Realm & Ghosts

    Retired entrepreneurs Ron Kardos and Bruce Licht told of how they reached out to thought leaders to discover why they believe in a higher power. Followed by psychic medium Cathy Nadal and paranormal investigator Charles F. Rosenay on the psychic realm and ghosts.More »

Last Night

Power Grid & EMP / The Creator Matrix
Power Grid & EMP / The Creator Matrix
Author Hugh Simpson and EMP expert Rich de Sabatino outlined possible scenarios that could take out the power grid, and how we can protect ourselves. Followed by health coach Cathleen Beerkens on developing your own 'creator matrix.'


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