Christopher Howard

Christopher Howard


Embark on a journey of mind liberation with Chris Howard, your guide through the uncharted territories of success and self-realization. With a rich history of breaking the chains of conventional thinking, Chris masterfully blends techniques from Neuro Hypnotics and Augmented Intelligence, steering individuals away from the confines of societal programming towards the realms of infinite potential. As a beacon for those navigating through the fog of misinformation and conspiracy, Chris's approach is not just about personal success; it's about awakening to a world of possibilities previously veiled by the mainstream narrative. Join him on the "Design Your Destiny: The Life Compass Experience" and redefine your reality.


Past Shows:

  • Overcoming Trauma / Finding Your Potential

    Dr. Darren Weissman discussed the LifeLine technique, an integrative therapeutic system to process trauma and transform subconscious limiting beliefs. Followed by Chris Howard, who talked about how to reprogram the mind and his work in resolving problems using AI.More »
  • Channeling Bashar

    Darryl Anka discussed his work as a channel for a remarkable entity known as Bashar. In the last hour, Christopher Howard revealed how to override old programming to transform one's life, and manifest greater achievement and fulfillment.More »