Loren Cielo

Loren Cielo


Dr. Loren Cielo is a San Diego based Psychic and is the owner and creator of Golden Rose Psychic Services, a virtual platform that provides psychic readings and training. He uses cutting edge tools and techniques that allow him to read energy, and shift or change situations to benefit his clients and their loved ones.


Past Shows:

  • Assassination Anomalies / Spirit Guides & Clairvoyance

    Prof. Paul DeBole discussed the Lincoln, JFK, and RFK assassinations. Followed by Lauren Cielo on spirit guides and clairvoyance.More »
  • Apocalypticism & Biblical Texts

    Appearing during the middle two hours, expert in theology and Biblical languages, Mike Heiser discussed the history of apocalyptic beliefs, and the current concern over 12-21-12. First hour guest, clairvoyant Dr. Lauren Cielo talked about how she reads soul energy, and her...More »

Last Night

Quantum Physics & the Bible / ET Encounters
Quantum Physics & the Bible / ET Encounters
Writer Keith Giles discussed the Gospel of Thomas and its relationship to quantum physics. Followed by reporter Cheryll Jones presenting her interview with speaker and author Rebecca Renfroe, who shared her various ET encounters.


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