Jeff Scott Cole

Jeff Scott Cole


Jeff Scott Cole is a writer, former middle school teacher, and broken-down archaeologist, who unites his joy of teaching with his passion for all things old and ancient. He received his Bachelor of Arts in Anthropology from Cleveland State University and completed the coursework for a Masters, also in Anthropology, at the University of Cincinnati, where he was also an adjunct instructor. Ghostly Encounters: Confessions of a Paranormal Investigator (Skyhorse, Summer 2015), Jeff's foray into the dark and creepy world of ghost hunting, represents a hiatus from the more traditional history and prehistory texts typically found in his personal stacks. Jeff is a member of the Society of American Archaeology and the Ohio Archaeological Council. Recently transplanted from northeast Ohio, Jeff writes, teaches when he can, and is an Education Human Resources Consultant in Atlanta, Georgia.



Past Shows:

  • Medical Mistakes/ Paranormal Investigation

    In the first half, doctors Hooman Noorchashm and Amy Reed described what happened to Amy after a surgical tool used on her during a routine procedure spread an undetected cancer, and how they discovered the same tragic outcome happens to 1 in 350 women who undergo the procedure....More »