Roland Comtois

Roland Comtois


Roland Comtois is an internationally acclaimed channel, best-selling speaker and author. Roland first realized his life’s calling at the age of ten with an unforgettable other worldly visit from his departed grandmother and a trio of angels soon after she passed away. It was just one of many life changing events that guided him on his pre-ordained journey as a spiritual medium. From that day forward, intuitive visions, angelic visits and heavenly encounters became everyday occurrences for Roland, encouraging him to use his gift of healing for the benefit of others.



Past Shows:

  • Natural Healing/ Crossing Over

    In the first half of the program, Dr. Joel Wallach discussed various ailments of the body and the ability to use natural healing without relying on modern medicine. In the latter half, spiritual medium and author, Roland Comtois, discussed how his thirty years of...More »

Last Night

Investigation Alien / Shroud of Turin
Investigation Alien / Shroud of Turin
Investigative reporter and C2C weekend host George Knapp discussed his new Netflix series Investigation Alien. Followed by British filmmaker David Rolfe on his explorations into the Shroud of Turin.


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