Terry Cook

Terry Cook


Terry L. Cook is a fundamentalist Christian intelligence analyst and a retired Los Angeles County Deputy Sheriff/criminal investigator. He also is a former State of California Deputy Real Estate Commissioner/fraud investigator, a Vietnam-War veteran and a former California National Guard Officer (in anti-communist intelligence). He holds A.A., A.S., B.A., and B.S. degrees. He also holds California State teaching credentials in a variety of subjects and has completed some postgraduate study in theology. Terry is licensed by the FAA as an Airline Transport Jet Pilot (ATP commercial jet) and flight instructor with 3000 hours total flight-time as well.

For the past 25 years, Mr. Cook, an ordained Christian minister of the gospel, has been investigating current geopolitical events as they relate to the fulfillment of “last-days” or “end-times” Bible prophecies, with an emphasis on New-World-Order geopolitics, biometric identification technology and biochip transponder ID implants regarding the Mark-of-the-Beast (666). He has authored numerous books and produced several educational videos during that time.

His first book, The Mark Of The New World Order, originally published in 1994, has been twice republished since then. Terry is accepted widely as an authority in this field and is much in demand as a speaker in churches and other lecture forums nationwide, including appearances and interviews on television and radio internationally. In fact, Terry recently appeared on the prestigious H2 History-Channel’s 2012 six-part international TV special titled, Countdown-To-Apocalypse, The Four Horsemen show aired in November 2012.



Past Shows:

  • Biometrics & the End Times

    John B. Wells was joined by researcher of ancient mythology and paranormal phenomena, Tom Horn, and retired intelligence analyst, Terry Cook, for a discussion on biometric identification technology and how it connects to the New World Order and the End Times.More »

Last Night

Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Afterlife Evidence / Weather Magic
Philosopher and author Chris Carter presented compelling arguments supporting the reality of an afterlife. Followed by astrophysicist, farmer, and witch Debra L. Burris, who shared her unique approach to weather magic.


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